Are you an estate lawyer looking to help your clients maximize profits while minimizing risk in the housing market?

In this article, we will discuss four tips and strategies for estate lawyers who are looking into home auctions. You will need to find out how much a property is worth, how much money you could make from selling it at an auction, ways to increase profits and reduce risk, leverage your expertise of local laws about home auctions, and use experts like Looper Auction to help your clients sell the property at auction to get your client ready for a successful sale. With these tips, you and your clients can make better decisions when selling real estate through home auctions.

Tip #1: Research the Market Value of a Property Before Going to Auction

With a slowing housing market, it is especially important to research the market value of a property before going to auction in 2023. By researching the market value of the property, estate lawyers and their clients can understand its true worth and anticipate what kind of interest they might expect from buyers at an auction. Houses typically sell for anywhere between 70% to 110% of their market value at an auction.

Qualities of the home to consider while researching its market value

When researching the market value of a property, several key factors need to be taken into account. These include things like location, size, condition, local amenities, school districts, and comparable properties in the area. All these factors will influence the estimated market value of a home. Understanding these elements can help you determine what kinds of offers you should expect from potential buyers at an auction. 

Be sure to tell your auctioneer about any renovations or improvements that have been made as these could potentially increase the estimated market value of a property. Any upgrades made by previous owners should be noted as they could be used to drum up more potential buyers at an auction. Knowing the improvements that have been done to a property can help auctioneers effectively advertise your client’s home, giving them an edge over other sellers at auction.

Set realistic expectations for your client

Auctions are a great way to relieve the hassle of dealing with buyers and managing property, though an auction may come at a cost. Although some properties may sell for more than they normally would, your client should keep in mind that properties sold at auction usually sell for less than those sold on the open market. Many buyers perceive them as riskier investments due to their lack of warranties or guarantees regarding title or condition. If your client’s property is being sold at an auction, they need to know what kind of offers to expect, so they can have a realistic idea about how much money they could make from selling their home.

Estate lawyers and their clients alike must do their research before going into a property auction to fully understand the market value of a particular home and anticipate what kind of offers they might receive from potential buyers. Knowing exactly what upgrades have been made, where improvements need to be made, and what comparable properties are selling for in the area are all invaluable pieces of information when considering selling a house at auction – especially in today’s slowing housing market.

Tip #2: Research how to Maximize Your Profits from Home Auctions!

For estate lawyers, selling a client’s home through auction can be the most effective way to maximize profits. As you work with your clients to find the optimal solution for their needs, here are some tips to consider when approaching home auctions:

  1. Observe other local auctions
  2. Negotiate the sale commission with the auction house
  3. Set a reserve so the house won’t sell for less than your client is willing to 

How observing other auctions helps your client get more

Before rushing into your client’s auction, you should observe other similar auctions to get an idea of what kind of interest there is in the market. This will give you a better understanding of how much potential buyers may bid and how much money your client could expect from the final sale. It will also help you determine whether an auction is likely to be worth pursuing or not. Additionally, observing other auctions can provide insight into how best to market and promote yours for maximum visibility. 

Why estate lawyers need to negotiate sales commissions with auctioneers

When it comes to selling at auction, sales commissions can range from 5% – 10% of the final sale price depending on who the auctioneer is and what type of service they provide. To ensure that your client gets a fair deal and that they are not overpaying for services, you should negotiate these sales commissions as part of your agreement with them. This will help ensure that they get the highest possible return on their investment in terms of both time and money.  

How a reserve will ensure your clients get what they deserve

When selling at auction, it’s important to consider setting a reserve price for your client’s home. This will help avoid any situations where your client ends up getting less than they expected from their sale due to low bids or lack of interest in the property itself. Setting a reserve price gives you greater control over how much money your client can expect from their sale and ensures that they walk away with a minimum amount regardless of how low bids may end up going during the actual auction itself.  

Tip #3: Leverage Understanding of Local Rules and Regulations for Home Auctions

Estate lawyers are uniquely positioned to help clients sell a home at auction. Your familiarity with the local rules and regulations associated with estate law can give your clients an edge during the home auction process. 

Clients need help navigating all the paperwork associated with home auctions 

Familiarize your clients with all the documents that are related to the property, such as the deed, title report, HOA policies, zoning restrictions, etc. Additionally, they should understand any contract terms or special provisions that may be associated with the sale of a property at auction. It is also important to make sure that all liens or encumbrances on the property have been addressed before closing on the purchase. 

Educate your clients about local laws and regulations

Each state and municipality has its own laws on home auctions, so your clients must be aware of these laws before participating in one. Additionally, some states require certain disclosures from sellers when selling a home at auction, so make sure they are aware of these requirements before they start the auction process.

Estate lawyers have a unique opportunity to leverage their expertise when helping clients buy or sell homes at auction by understanding all paperwork involved and familiarizing them with local laws governing auction processes. Estate lawyers can provide valuable assistance while ensuring compliance throughout every step of an auction process for their client’s real estate transactions. This helps protect everyone involved.

Tip #4: Work With the Experts at Looper Auction to Guide Clients through the Home Auction Process

Home auctions can be intimidating, but working with a reputable auctioneer can make the experience much smoother and more profitable. Looper Auction is one of the most trusted names in the business, providing clients with expertise and guidance throughout the entire home auction process.

The Benefits of Working With a Reputable Auctioneer 

When selling your home at auction, it’s important to work with an experienced professional who knows the ins and outs of the process. Looper Auction has decades of experience guiding clients through every step of the home auction process. From helping to set realistic pricing expectations to preparing marketing materials, an experienced auctioneer will ensure that everything runs smoothly. 

If you want to make the most money from selling your client’s home and minimize stress, work with a reputable auctioneer. An experienced professional will be able to provide insight into current market trends, helping you set realistic pricing expectations so that your client doesn’t undersell their property.

The Advantages of Collaborating With Looper Auction 

Looper Auction is one of the most respected names in real estate auctions and for good reason—we have some of the highest sell-through rates in the industry and our team of experts are highly knowledgeable when it comes to guiding clients through all aspects of the home auction process. Our holistic approach ensures that all parties involved are fully informed before making any decisions and our commitment to customer satisfaction means that we always strive to ensure clients get the best possible deal when selling their homes at auction. 

Working with a reputable auctioneer like Looper Auction ensures that you get maximum value for your property while minimizing stress and avoiding potential pitfalls along the way. An experienced professional will be able to provide valuable insight into current market trends as well as guidance throughout each stage of the home auction process—allowing you to maximize profits while knowing you’re in good hands throughout every step of the process. So if you’re looking for a reliable partner who can help guide you and your client through selling your home at auction, look no further than Looper Auction! ​​​​​​​

Secure Optimal Returns for Your Clients’ Home With Looper Auction – Professional Guidance and Expert Strategies to Maximize Value at Auctions

Home auctions offer estate lawyers a great opportunity to support their clients. By doing the necessary research and preparation, your clients will be able to take advantage of these lucrative opportunities with confidence, knowing that they are in good hands – the knowledgeable professionals at Looper Auction understand how best to get the best price possible for their property. If you’re looking to sell your client’s home at auction, contact Looper Auction today to find out more about how we can help.