Our Company

We work with sellers to market and sell real property in a way that is efficient and effective.
Real property is sold within 30 days with no contingencies to cash buyers.
Real property is marketed through traditional listing services as well as commercials, email advertisements, web advertisement, and social media.
The auction method can eliminate months of uncertainty for a seller while their property sits on market with a traditional listing.
Properties are sold as-is and marketed to a vast audience of potential buyers who compete to purchase the property.
Real property is marketed to other Realtors in the area who have the opportunity to bring clients to compete for the property.
A real estate auction allows the seller to plan for a specific date when the property will be sold. It eliminates any uncertainty that may come with a traditional listing.
We conduct over 250 auctions per year ranging from estates, business liquidations, single family residences and commercial real estate to state government agencies, and schools.
Looper Auction & Realty II, LLC is a member of the National Association of Realtors, Arkansas Auctioneers Association and the National Auctioneers Association.